Bitcoin calculator: Convert BTC to Euro

Bitcoin is the world’s best-known cryptocurrency. As Bitcoin prices can fluctuate greatly, its equivalent value in euros changes frequently and sometimes significantly. Our Bitcoin calculator with tables helps you to determine how much your Bitcoins are worth.

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BTC to Euro Conversion


Euro to BTC Conversion


Satoshi to Euro Conversion

Satoshi EURO

Euro to Satoshi Conversion

EURO Satoshi

mBTC to Euro Conversion


Euro to mBTC Conversion


Bits to Euro Conversion


Euro to Bits Conversion

Bitcoin is the world’s best-known cryptocurrency. As Bitcoin prices can fluctuate greatly, its equivalent value in euros changes frequently and sometimes significantly. Our Bitcoin calculator with tables helps you to determine how much your Bitcoins are worth. Bitcoin (BTC) is the name and the largest unit of the mother of all cryptocurrencies. A Bitcoin has 8 decimal places. The eighth decimal place, the satoshi, represents the smallest BTC unit of account. One Bitcoin therefore consists of 100 million satoshi.

Bitcoin Euro price

The price of Bitcoin is determined by supply and demand, similar to pricing on a stock exchange. Pricing takes place on so-called crypto exchanges.

For this reason, there is no “official” Bitcoin price in euros or US dollars, as it can vary from crypto exchange to crypto exchange.

Fiat money refers to traditional currencies such as the euro, dollar or yen. Crypto exchanges work in a similar way to the foreign exchange market. In principle, different cryptocurrencies can be exchanged for each other on these exchanges, which has a decisive influence on pricing. As these unregulated exchanges are not in contact with each other, the exchange rates can differ in each case. The rate at which you can buy or sell your BTC therefore depends on the current rate of the crypto exchange you are on.

The price of Bitcoin is subject to constant – sometimes strong – fluctuations. These fluctuations (or volatility) are exacerbated by the fact that the total volume of Bitcoin is significantly smaller than similar commodities (such as gold).

Bitcoin units

A special feature of Bitcoin is the limit on the amount of money it can hold. In total, it is 21 million. One consequence of the currently very high BTC price is that even the smallest fractions of a Bitcoin are worth comparatively much, which can make conversion into fiat money appear complicated. This is why there are a large number of smaller sub-units, each with its own name. The largest unit is logically Bitcoin.
  • 1 Bitcoin consists of 1,000 mBTC (milli-Bitcoin). This in turn divides
  • 1 mBTC into 1,000 bits. The smallest unit is the satoshi.
  • 1 bit equals 100 satoshis. In our tables you can easily find out the current ratio of these sub-units to the euro.

How does the Bitcoin calculator work?

With our Bitcoin converter, you can easily calculate the current Bitcoin exchange rate. All you have to do is select the currency you want to convert to on one side, i.e. Euro, US Dollar or British Pound, and Bitcoin on the other. Then you can enter the amount you want to convert. At the moment of your input, we refer to the latest Bitcoin price to ensure that the result reflects the current price. Our BTC calculator is based on data obtained from the crypto exchange Coinbase. In contrast, data providers such as Coingecko create an average price, which is based on the average of prices from different crypto exchanges, taking into account factors such as global trading and exchange volumes.

Where can you buy Bitcoin with euros?

As already mentioned, Bitcoins can be purchased via crypto exchanges. There you can deposit your fiat money (i.e. euros, dollars, etc.) and exchange it for Bitcoin. This is possible both in exchange with a platform, but alternatively there are also platforms on which private customers exchange currencies with each other and the platform merely acts as an intermediary and retains a service fee. In our Bitcoin buy comparison, you will find an overview of more than 20 providers for buying Bitcoin and also find out what you should bear in mind when buying. To hold Bitcoin, you need a digital wallet. Most crypto exchanges now offer storage as a function, so they also act as wallets. During the verification process at the respective exchanges, data such as bank details, cell phone number and personal documents are requested in order to clearly assign the account to a person. Even though crypto exchanges are not (yet?) regulated in Germany, they are still subject to the Money Laundering Act. After this verification process, the account can be opened and trading can begin.

Bitcoin Euro price

The price of Bitcoin is determined by supply and demand, similar to pricing on a stock exchange. Price formation takes place on so-called crypto exchanges. For this reason, there is no “official” Bitcoin price in euros or US dollars, as it can vary from crypto exchange to crypto exchange. Traditional currencies such as the euro, dollar or yen are referred to as fiat money. Crypto exchanges work in a similar way to the foreign exchange market. In principle, different cryptocurrencies can be exchanged for each other on these exchanges, which has a decisive influence on pricing. As these unregulated exchanges are not in contact with each other, the exchange rates can differ in each case. The rate at which you can buy or sell your BTC therefore depends on the current rate of the crypto exchange you are on. The price of Bitcoin is subject to constant – sometimes strong – fluctuations. These fluctuations (or volatility) are amplified by the fact that the total volume of Bitcoin is significantly smaller compared to similar commodities (such as gold).

Bitcoin units

A special feature of Bitcoin is the limit on the amount of money it can hold. In total, it is 21 million. One consequence of the currently very high BTC price is that even the smallest fractions of a Bitcoin are worth comparatively much, which can make conversion into fiat money appear complicated. This is why there are a large number of smaller sub-units, each with its own name. The largest unit is logically Bitcoin.
  • 1 Bitcoin consists of 1,000 mBTC (milli-Bitcoin). This in turn divides
  • 1 mBTC into 1,000 bits. The smallest unit is the satoshi.
  • 1 bit equals 100 satoshis. In our tables you can easily find out the current ratio of these sub-units to the euro.

Wie funktioniert der Bitcoin Rechner?

With our Bitcoin converter, you can easily calculate the current Bitcoin exchange rate. All you have to do is select the currency you want to convert to on one side, i.e. Euro, US Dollar or British Pound, and Bitcoin on the other. Then you can enter the amount you want to convert. At the moment of your input, we refer to the latest Bitcoin price to ensure that the result reflects the current price. Our BTC calculator is based on data obtained from the crypto exchange Coinbase. In contrast, data providers such as Coingecko create an average price, which is based on the average of prices from different crypto exchanges, taking into account factors such as global trading and exchange volumes.

Where can you buy Bitcoin with euros?

As already mentioned, Bitcoins can be purchased via crypto exchanges. There you can deposit your fiat money (i.e. euros, dollars, etc.) and exchange it for Bitcoin. This is possible both in exchange with a platform, but alternatively there are also platforms on which private customers exchange currencies with each other and the platform merely acts as an intermediary and retains a service fee. In our Bitcoin buy comparison, you will find an overview of more than 20 providers for buying Bitcoin and also find out what you should bear in mind when buying. To hold Bitcoin, you need a digital wallet. Most crypto exchanges now offer storage as a function, so they also act as wallets. During the verification process at the respective exchanges, data such as bank details, cell phone number and personal documents are requested in order to clearly assign the account to a person.Even though crypto exchanges are not (yet?) regulated in Germany, they are still subject to the Money Laundering Act.
After this verification process, the account can be opened and trading can begin.

Frequently asked questions

How does the Bitcoin calculator work?
Our Bitcoin to Euro calculator is based on data from the crypto exchange Coinbase, which compiles data from various other exchanges and calculates an average value. In the BTC calculator, all you have to do is click on the currency to be calculated and enter the amount to be converted.

This is determined by supply and demand, including on the numerous crypto exchanges. The special feature here, however, is the decentralized nature of Bitcoin, meaning that there is no “official” exchange rate.

A bit is a sub-unit of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. 1,000 bits make 1 mBTC, of which 1,000 in turn make 1 Bitcoin.

Satoshi also refers to a sub-unit of Bitcoin. 100,000,000 satoshi make 1 Bitcoin.

Auch satoshi bezeichnen eine Untereinheit der Bitcoin. 100.000.000 satoshi ergeben 1 Bitcoin.